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Did You Know . . . ?

Creating the EDO BLOOD universe took a lot of research and imagination. Many of the 'facts' and theories used are well-known . . . some, not so much.  Did you know any of these before reading EDO BLOOD?  

The creation of the first vampire was an accident involving lightning and an iceberg.

A vampire's skin can be conditioned to withstand sunlight, but the process is excruciatingly painful and few survive it.

A vampire's sight functions at the macro- and microscopic level. With practice, this power is virtually unlimited.

A vampire actually does have a heartbeat.

Vampires very rarely make others of their own kind, as they are extremely protective of their power.

A vampire's invulnerability is mainly due to the fact that their cells each have their own armored casing.

To turn a person, a vampire's venom must reach the brain within twenty seconds. Otherwise, the venom breaks down into a usually fatal poison.

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