Taste III - Mitsui: Balance
What Sung wanted with such a petulant child was quite beyond him. Even so, she was his responsibility. Still, even a loyal servant has limits.
And now she wanted to fight.
Slowly, The Captain straightened from his crouch. He bowed to her, “I can see you are tired,” he said carefully. “We can continue tomorrow, after breakfast.” He stood and turned to go below.
“No!” she barked and he stopped, still facing away from her. “I need to do this now!” Mitsui planted herself on the deck, bending her knees like he had been trying to show her all along.
Turning just his head, repeated firmly, “No. We can continue tomorrow, after breakfast.”
Neither of them moved for a few moments. Then, Mitsui straightened and walked up to him. “You think I am soft, just because I am a girl?” she sneered. “I warn you, do not favor me so.”
Still not facing her, he started, “You are--”
“Do not tell me what I am!” she cried and swung a roundhouse punch at the back of his head.
Hearing the rustle of her sweat-soaked gi and the rush of air as her fist shot forward, The Captain ducked and spun to face her, easily avoiding her punch. If she had not been so off balance and fatigued, she might have even come close. Now glaring at her, he stood silently. Fists up, arms forward, knees bent (albeit awkwardly), she looked almost ready to fight.
“Do not--!” she swung again and he did not even have to block. The Captain merely sidestepped her second shaky strike and stepped back two paces.
He was reluctant to fight Mitsui because he could not afford to hurt her. But, looking at her, he realized he would not have to.
Taking a deep breath and glaring back at her, “All right,” he lowered again into a crouch. “I will not.”
With a high-pitched cry, Mitsui charged. The Captain merely stepped aside again and she rushed past him. He could have made it worse by sticking his leg out and sending her sprawling, but felt it was hardly necessary.
She will be on the deck soon enough.