Taste III - Mitsui: Balance (con't)
Wobbling to a stop, Mitsui whirled and attempted to circle around him. Idly, The Captain watched her feet. Her ankles were stiff and the muscles in her calves were quivering. He pointed, “Mitsui, I have been trying to tell you, flex your knees more. Your ankles are not supposed to--”
With another scream, she charged again, this time aiming a front kick at his chin. The Captain leaned back and stepped around her. Jerking her head around, she tried a backfist, but he simply stepped back another pace. Surprising him a bit, she launched a back kick that would have caught him in the belly, had he not already been stepping back.
Dropping her leading foot, Mitsui stumbled to the right, but quickly caught herself and threw a left front snap kick. Or tried to--The Captain only had to lift his left foot to catch her leg before it even got knee-high. Mitsui growled and stepped back. Over his shoulder, she saw the rail was getting closer and started to form a plan. A few more (missed) punches and kicks and she started to drive him back.
When this started, he expected it to be over in a few minutes. Mitsui was still recovering from her bout of seasickness and had been struggling with her balance all morning. But now, The Captain was noticing a change. Mitsui was starting to worry less about her balance and more about getting her hands on him. Her punches and kicks were getting closer; he had not seen her stumble or sway for several minutes. He was actually starting to have to defend himself.
Finally . . .
“Mitsui, wait--” The Captain grunted, blocking a jump kick to his head. “I am trying to tell you--” he caught her ankle at his waist and pushed her away.
As Mitsui lunged forward with a straight punch aimed at his throat, The Captain twisted and grabbed her gi at the shoulder as she went by. Continuing the motion, he spun her around him and used her momentum to fling her into the wall next to the door leading below.
“Enough!” he shouted. “Stop this now! Can you not see that--”
With a loud shout, Mitsui charged him again. This time, he did stick out his leg and she tripped.
Right over the rail . . .